President pushes for a side of ObamaCare this Thanksgiving

President pushes for a side of ObamaCare this Thanksgiving

The same president who wanted gift registries filled with donations to his campaign is back with another turkey of an idea. This time, the idea is to infiltrate Thanksgiving dinner with an ObamaCare enrollment push. Never mind that talking politics is right up there with the “when are you going to finally get your life...

The same president who wanted gift registries filled with donations to his campaign is back with another turkey of an idea. This time, the idea is to infiltrate Thanksgiving dinner with an ObamaCare enrollment push.

Never mind that talking politics is right up there with the “when are you going to finally get your life together” in popular topics when getting together with the extended family; President Barack Obama’s “Health Care for the Holidays” campaign reeks of desperation. The campaign is encouraging ObamaCare supporters to sign up their family members for ObamaCare. The website includes a video ad, talking points, a document checklist and advice on how to plan “the talk.”

Family holidays can be awkward. But the administration’s attempt to infiltrate family holidays and promote what is, perhaps, the most divisive political issue of the year promises to make this year’s holiday memorable for all the wrong reasons.

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