The Policy Shop

A weekly podcast tackling Illinois' most important issues.

Ep. 25: 700 days under Pritzker’s emergency powers

On Monday, Feb. 28, Illinois’ mask mandate will end. Pritzker exempted schools from that end date, but legislators and the courts have stepped in, effectively ending the school mask mandate. One thing that won’t end? The governor’s one-man executive authority.

Ep. 24: Property tax pain gets worse in Chicago with Orphe Divounguy

Chicago property taxes nearly doubled over the past decade. This hurts homeowners and renters alike, as rents in Chicago have increased by 8.5%. What’s driving the problem (public pensions) and how do we fix it? Orphe Divounguy joins The Policy Shop to explain.

Ep. 23: An economist’s perspective: How’s Illinois’ economy really doing?

Soaring inflation. Slow job creation. Lagging GDP from record population loss. Illinois’ economy is facing several unique factors all at once. Orphe Divounguy joins the Policy Shop to break down the current state of Illinois’ economy and how Illinois becomes a place where businesses, job seekers and homeowners want to invest.

Ep. 22: How do we fix the broken state budget …for real? with Adam Schuster

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker is set to deliver his fourth budget address today, Feb. 2. Billions in federal relief funds temporarily helped state finances. But without key reforms, state debt will be back to where it was or worse. Adam Schuster joins the Policy Shop to walk through the simple solutions to fix Illinois’ budget.....

Ep. 21: Incremental pension reform with Adam Schuster

When it comes to pensions, it’s unfair to shove more workers into a broken system while the General Assembly drags its feet on real reform. What if, while we continue working toward constitutional pension reform, we could give government workers the option for more flexibility in their retirement now? Adam Schuster joins the Policy Shop...

Ep. 20: The Illinois exodus with Bryce Hill

According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates, Illinois has seen eight consecutive years of population decline. The official 2020 counts showed Illinois lost population for the first Census in history. It cost the state one congressional seat. One person leaves Illinois every 4 minutes and 18 seconds. Illinois is losing people and political power. Bryce Hill...

Ep. 19: A COVID-19 education with Amy Korte

Parents and students across the state have had their lives turned completely upside down by COVID-19 and ongoing public school closures. And it isn’t over yet. Amy Korte joins the Policy Shop to discuss the ins and outs of receiving an education during the pandemic, from the perils of Zoom learning to how classrooms affect...

Ep. 18: 2022 and beyond with Jordan Ryan

When we look ahead at 2022, the year is full of potential. With a new legislative session beginning today, Illinois Policy is focused on policy solutions that can improve the lives and livelihoods of our Illinoisans around the state – including protecting unemployment insurance, expanding tax credit scholarships, repealing an auotmatic gas tax hike and...