Budget + Tax

Pritzker’s gas tax hike doubles yearly take to nearly $2B

Pritzker’s gas tax hike doubles yearly take to nearly $2B

Illinois drivers are expected to pay nearly $2 billion in state gas taxes by the end of the year, more than twice what they paid before Gov. J.B. Pritzker took office and doubled the tax. Pritzker’s tax hike took $4 billion extra from drivers between 2019 and 2023.

By Patrick Andriesen

River Forest considering local grocery tax hike

River Forest considering local grocery tax hike

Illinois is cutting the statewide grocery tax, but some local governments may reestablish it. One Chicago suburb is already moving in that direction. Its neighbor will let taxpayers keep their grocery money.

By Dylan Sharkey

Grocery bills have increased by nearly $3,000 in just 4 years

Grocery bills have increased by nearly $3,000 in just 4 years

Consumers have been hammered with inflation on groceries during the past four years. Illinois was heading in the right direction by eliminating the tax on them, but now communities are faced with either imposing a new grocery tax or losing the money.

By Ravi Mishra

Illinois No. 2 in nation for highest gas taxes

Illinois No. 2 in nation for highest gas taxes

Only California has higher gasoline taxes than Illinois. Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s automatic gas tax boost just bumped the rate to 47 cents per gallon. It was 19 cents before Pritzker took office.

By Dylan Sharkey

The Policy Shop: Property tax pain at home – and relief abroad

The Policy Shop: Property tax pain at home – and relief abroad

This episode of The Policy Shop is by writer Patrick Andriesen Compare Illinois’ median property tax bill to Alabama’s. Illinois’ is higher. Add Alabama’s and West Virginia’s bills together. Illinois’ is still higher. Take Alabama’s, West Virginia’s, Arkansas’, Louisiana’s and South Carolina’s bills and total them all up – Illinois’ is still higher. If you...