Criminal Justice

The Policy Shop: Chicago’s $879 Million Camera Cash-In

The Policy Shop: Chicago’s $879 Million Camera Cash-In

This episode of The Policy Shop is by writer Patrick Andriesen Two Chicago mayors have decried their city’s near-predatory use of traffic tickets. Yet those two Chicago mayors have effectively worked to increase ticket revenue. Beware the next politician promising “relief,” because it likely means even more cash taken from drivers who can ill-afford Chicago’s...

Chicago speed cameras fined motorists over $102M in 2023

Chicago speed cameras fined motorists over $102M in 2023

Chicago speed cameras hit motorists with over $102 million in fines during 2023, and $879 million total since they started flashing a decade ago. The mayor promised to eliminate the automated traffic cams, which issued a ticket every 20 seconds last year.

By Patrick Andriesen

Vallas: Chicago domestic shootings up 19% in 2023. Fix needed now.

Vallas: Chicago domestic shootings up 19% in 2023. Fix needed now.

In Chicago and Cook County, law enforcement leadership and the court systems are failing women, especially domestic violence victims. Black women are disproportionately impacted. Leadership is desperately needed where incompetence now rules.

By Paul Vallas

Chicago crime: Assaults up 7% for year, as women targeted

Chicago crime: Assaults up 7% for year, as women targeted

Assaults were up 7% for the year ended in March. Black Chicagoans were 5 times more likely to be assaulted, with Black women assaulted nearly as often as Black men – a much higher rate than women of other races. There’s a disturbing trend of targeted violence.

By Jon Josko, Hilary Gowins

The Policy Shop: More crime, fewer arrests in Chicago

The Policy Shop: More crime, fewer arrests in Chicago

This episode of The Policy Shop is by writer Patrick Andriesen Two recent reports show Chicago leaders are ignoring or downplaying an issue that can cost them money, residents and reputation: violent crime. Violent crime in Chicago increased by 11.5% in 2023, but the city’s arrest rate dropped compared with 2022. Standing out in a...

Tio Hardiman

Tio Hardiman

“I grew up around gun violence on the South Side of Chicago between the projects of Avalon Park and the Henry Horner Homes. I saw all these young brothers losing their lives in situations that could have easily been avoided or mediated.” “I started organizing about 20 years ago because I got tired of seeing...

Where are you most likely to get shot in Chicago?

Where are you most likely to get shot in Chicago?

Nearly 1 of every 900 Chicagoans was shot last year, and 1 in 5,000 killed by gunshot. Where was the greatest risk? The Austin neighborhood reported the most fatal shootings as well as the most shootings overall, with 1 shooting for every 414 residents

By Patrick Andriesen

Harry Pena

Harry Pena

“I joined a gang at 10 years old. I spent most of my life on the streets. I had my first taste of whiskey. I smoked. I hit teachers in school. I tortured cats.” “My father mentally and physically abused my mother. I hated him. At 12 years old, I followed him to learn his...