Illinois lawmakers plan to ban some food ingredients

Illinois lawmakers plan to ban some food ingredients

The Illinois Senate approved legislation banning four food additives, sending it to the House. Manufacturers will need to sell an alternate recipe in Illinois if the bill becomes law.

Store-brand sodas, breads, pastries and candies could soon be outlawed in Illinois under legislation that has already passed the Illinois Senate.

Senate Bill 2637 would ban the sale of food and drinks containing four ingredients used for store-brand sodas, bread, baked goods and candy corn in Illinois.

Ingredients on the ban:

  • Brominated vegetable oil
  • Potassium bromate
  • Propylparaben
  • Red dye 3

The bill’s sponsor, state Sen. Willie Preston, D-Chicago, said the legislation is in the name of consumer safety.

“This measure sets a precedent for consumer health and safety to encourage food manufacturers to update their recipes to use safer alternatives,” Preston said.

Opponents such as the Illinois Manufacturers Association said the bills sets a precedent for other food ingredients.

“Manufacturers oppose this well-intentioned legislation as it would set a dangerous precedent by usurping the role of scientists and experts at the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, which reviews and approves food additives to ensure they are safe,” wrote Mark Denzler, association president.

California is the only state to have banned these ingredients, with its ban taking effect in 2027. Illinois’ bill would give food manufacturers until 2027 to create a new formula without the ingredients, or to halt manufacture of the products altogether. Sales would be required to end by 2028.

Washington also had pending legislation similar to Illinois’.

SB 2637 already passed the Illinois Senate, 37-15. It awaits a vote in the Illinois House before session adjourns May 24.

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