Cheryl Ohrt

Cheryl Ohrt

“I’m retired and my husband farms and works at the Vulcan stone quarry.

“We’ve been here since 1987. When we bought this house our taxes were $900 on two acres. I just got our property tax bill today and it was almost $5,000.

“You try and fix your yard up, your house up, and anything you want to do they want to tax you for it. I don’t even want to look at the news anymore. With that money we’d live a little better. We wouldn’t have to scrimp and save so much.

“We’re getting out of Illinois. And everybody I talk to can’t wait to get out of here. The job situation is terrible. And the politicians don’t do anything for us …

“I don’t know how Illinois plans on keeping people here.”

Cheryl Ohrt
Kankakee, Illinois

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