James Kirchner

James Kirchner

Before May 3, slating was the only way new candidates could still get on the ballot before the 2024 general election. House Democrats filed and passed the rule change within 72 hours. James Kirchner had already put time and effort into the slating process, so he’s among the candidates planning to sue over the new law passed in the middle of an election.

“The initial reaction was just shock. But then, you know, I’ve been around in Chicago for a very long time.  After thinking about it, I wasn’t shocked at all. I was just like, ‘Yeah, that sounds like something they would do.’”

“I went out collecting signatures right after I heard. I told people, ‘I need your signature like right now because they’re trying to change the law.’ The people I was asking just couldn’t believe it. I had the news article on my phone so they could read it if they wanted.”

“I feel like people have been talking about election tampering in this country for about eight years now. This is the clearest example I’ve seen in any state.”

“One of the reasons I decided to run was because I found out some of the laws that have recently passed were specially spearheaded by the senator from my district. Like people who are illegal immigrants being allowed to become police officers.”

“Another reason is because our police and fireman pensions are only 43% funded. What is that? These people are for all of us.”

“The main reason I am running for state senator is that I care deeply about our state and my fellow citizens that live here.  For too long, we have allowed complete nonsense to flourish.  We need to bring back sanity and common sense.”

“I think people realize that in the state of Illinois we have serious problems. Not esoteric, complex problems. Simple, straightforward problems. We have to budget correctly, make people accountable when we’re spending money, and so on. We need to get these fixed.”

“As long as I am able to appear on the ballot, I think this move is actually going to do nothing but help. Because if they’re that afraid just to have another person on the ballot, that speaks volumes.”

James Kirchner
Potential candidate, Illinois Senate District 13
Chicago, Illinois

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