How many gang crimes occurred in your Chicago neighborhood?

How many gang crimes occurred in your Chicago neighborhood?

How often did gang crimes happen in your Chicago neighborhood? Here’s what the Chicago Police data shows.

Chicago gangs were suspected to be behind 1,808 crimes reported across the city in 2023, with more than 1-in-5 homicides being attributed to gang activity, according to Chicago Police data.

Use the table below to look up how the number of gang crimes reported in your neighborhood compared to the rest of the city. Chicago neighborhoods each reported an average of more than 16 gang-related crimes. Total crimes per neighborhood averaged 2,776.

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How has gang crime changed in Chicago during the past two decades

Joel Hamernick, founder of The Coach House Solutions Group, and how he’s helped non-profits work to combat violence in Chicago

Tio Hardiman, founder of Violence Interrupters, and his ongoing efforts to curb Chicago gun violence

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