Alper Turan

Alper Turan

“If you’re living in this district, this city, this state or this country, you have rights and responsibilities. This responsibility is not just for you, but your kids and your grandkids, your brothers and sisters and all families. That’s why I decided to run.

“I wasn’t expecting to win, but at least I helped other voices be heard. If no one steps up to challenge ideas and policies of those in power, voters are only going to hear from the ruling majority.”

“I teach political science and I always tell my students: Everybody is responsible.”

“I am originally from northwest Iran, a country where you don’t have any freedom. You don’t have the freedom of speech, religion and assembly that we enjoy here. You don’t even have freedom of thought.”

“I got lucky. I interviewed and was approved to come to the U.S. in 2001.”

“I found a job in a factory in Rogers Park building electric equipment. I was looking for a school to continue my education. Looking for education became an employment search as Truman College had an open position.”

“I went back to school, got my master’s in political science. Later, I got my education specialist degree in higher education leadership.”

“I moved to Chicago about 20 years ago to raise my two kids, and the city wasn’t this bad. My kids got their education here, but over time the economy, crime and the school systems got worse.”

“I learned a lot about my district when I was running. And I don’t believe our city, our state is on the right path.”

“When I was talking to people I was asking, are you happy with your taxes? The answer was ‘No.’ Are you happy with your living costs? ‘No.’ Are you happy with the school system? ‘No.’ Are you happy with the increasing crime rate? ‘No.’”

“People still believe they can kick this can as much as they want and someday, somehow they’re going to get a different sound from it. But it’s the same can, and the same road. Voters in this city, this state are doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

“Just like your home, you can’t just sit down and watch your roof collapse. You’re living under it. That’s why everyone is responsible, and everyone has to do something to fix it.”

“This was my first time running and I learned a lot from process and people along the way. This was the start and is not going to be the end.”

Alper Turan
Professor, candidate for Illinois House District 13
Chicago, Illinois

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