Pritzker ‘fair tax’ could cost typical Glen Ellyn family nearly $2,900

Pritzker ‘fair tax’ could cost typical Glen Ellyn family nearly $2,900

Gov. J.B. Pritzker claims his progressive income tax hike will only affect the rich. But Illinoisans making as little as $26,100 would see an income tax hike under rates Pritzker cited in his budget address.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker is pushing to eliminate Illinois’ flat tax protection in order to pass a progressive income tax hike, which Pritzker has dubbed a “fair” tax. But the typical family in the village of Glen Ellyn could see a tax hike of nearly $2,900 a year under rates Pritzker cited in his budget address.

In his Feb. 20 budget address, Pritzker pointed to Iowa and Wisconsin’s progressive income tax rates as models for what Illinois’ rates should look like.

The median Glen Ellyn family making $143,500 per year with two kids would pay $1,365 more under Wisconsin rates and $2,886 more under Iowa rates – tax hikes of 20 percent and 43 percent, respectively.

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Illinoisans making as little as $26,100 (under Wisconsin rates) or $46,500 (under Iowa rates) would see an income tax hike should Illinois lawmakers copy those nearby rate structures.

Keep in mind that in 2017, Illinoisans shouldered the largest permanent income tax hike in state history and DuPage County families already pay some of the nation’s highest property taxes.

Pritzker specifically said in his budget address that Illinois “can accomplish” a progressive income tax with “a more competitive rate structure than Wisconsin and Iowa.” But what he means by competition is entirely unclear. In fact, a recent Tax Foundation study on Wisconsin’s tax code recommended exchanging its progressive income tax for a flat income tax as one way to make the state more competitive. Both North Carolina and Kentucky have swapped their states’ progressive income tax for a flat income tax in recent years.

Whether or not state politicians think it’s “fair,” Glen Ellyn families may not stick around to shoulder another tax hike.

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