To keep a family from homelessness, Illinoisans give

To keep a family from homelessness, Illinoisans give

On Oct. 30, Anthony Goodwin couldn’t stop shaking.

It wasn’t because the gas was shut off in his family’s mobile home, even though that was the case. It wasn’t from frustration with the electric company that was coming to turn off the lights in a few days time. 

It was because the Goodwins were watching thousands of dollars in donations roll in on the heels of the publication of their story.


Anthony and Ashley Goodwin, as well as their two children, were stuck between a rock and a hard place that is disturbingly unique to Illinois: a worst-in-the-Midwest jobs climate and budget gridlock due to politicians’ refusal to address the state’s fundamental economic problems.

Thankfully, their GoFundMe page had racked up nearly $5,000 in donations from across the globe in a matter of hours.

“We were astonished, dumbfounded,” Ashley said. “Dumbfounded is the best word to use.”

“I know it might [be a] cliché, but this has totally changed our lives,” Anthony said.

“There are so many more opportunities, and so much less worry. It might not seem like much, but in a low-income community like this it makes a huge difference.”


The money raised ensured the Goodwins can keep their lights on, reinstall their gas, buy groceries for their children, and make rent for at least the next year. One donor who wished to remain anonymous also offered to give the Goodwins a car.

“Special thanks to the car donor,” Anthony said. “I might hug the guy, and I’m not a huggy person.”

Anthony and Ashley are debating continuing to look for work in Illinois or heading south to Georgia or Florida, where Anthony says the cost of living is lower and employment is easier to come by.


Among the donors to the Goodwins’ homelessness-prevention fund were Illinois political reporter Rich Miller, state Rep. David McSweeney and an anonymous benefactor from London.

“This whole thing just shows you the power of social media when you want to get the word out about something,” Ashley said.

“This has totally changed everything for us.”


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