A real estate investment deal arranged by a firm that employed former Mayor Richard M. Daley’s nephew has dealt a blow to Chicago’s cash-strapped pension funds, underscoring the need for a 401(k)-style alternative.
by Kate Piercy Mayor Daley went forward with his plans to use TIF reserves in order to “balance” his proposed FY2011 budget, leaving it to his future replacement to tackle the inherent problems that led the city into a deficit in the first place. Balancing the budget is important, but TIFs were not created to be used...
Illinois Policy Institute Center for Poverty Solutions, in partnership with the Archbridge Institute By Joshua Bandoch, Ph.D., head of policy, Illinois Policy Institute and Justin Callais, Ph.D., chief economist, Archbridge Institute EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A low-income person’s ability to move up in society is worse in Illinois than in any other Midwestern state, and 40th lowest...