Small businesses and innovators are the lifeblood of any economy, and Illinois needs reform to encourage them to locate in Illinois. Small businesses are responsible for two-thirds of all new jobs created in the last 20 years. The disincentives for entrepreneurs to locate in Illinois are systemic, and thus require systemic solutions. An agenda for...
The structure of a limited liability company, or LLC, offers great advantages for small businesses, such as allowing start-ups and small businesses to avoid the extra tax burdens of corporations. At the same time, the LLC structure protects the owners from the excessive liability of sole proprietorships and partnerships. In Illinois, the LLC is burdened...
Chicago’s 2020 Additional Dwelling Unit Ordinance, while well-intentioned, has stifled development. Despite 71% of Chicagoans being in favor of putting additional dwelling units on existing residential lots – higher than the national average – restrictive and inequitable regulations have ensured very few are built.1 Only 44% of pre-approved applications have received building permits since the...