School funding is locked up due to the current fight in Springfield over the state’s new education funding formula and the bailout of Chicago Public Schools it contains.
Gov. Bruce Rauner’s amendments to Senate Bill 1 bring nearly $54 million more to the 10 school districts with the highest Latino student enrollment outside Chicago.
Gov. Bruce Rauner’s amendments to Senate Bill 1 would bring nearly $25 million more to the 10 Illinois school districts with the highest black student enrollment outside of Chicago.
All Senate Democrats and one Republican voted to override Gov. Bruce Rauner and pass Senate Bill 1 in its original form, including a bailout for Chicago Public Schools.
State Sen. Andy Manar and other defenders of Senate Bill 1 shouldn’t be fighting to put a bailout of Chicago Public Schools ahead of their own districts.
After years of splurging with revenue boosted by temporary federal aid, future deficits over $5 billion await the Illinois state budget. It’s time Illinois state leaders learn from past mistakes and manage other people’s money responsibly.